Signs From Heaven

It’s no secret that these last several years on Earth have been challenging, and 2023 was no exception. During times of economic instability, political division, war, and overall turmoil and uncertainty, it can be easy to lose hope. That’s why I feel it is important, perhaps now more than ever, to cling to stories that uplift us.

What gives me courage and strength during challenging times is feeling connected to God, to the energy and lifeforce that connects us all, and to the greater plan that is at work that I can't always see. Knowing there is a larger purpose for my life---for all our lives---gives me peace and reassurance when things are difficult or uncertain. 

For that reason, I'd like to share a few short personal stories of ways Spirit has shown up in my life and the lives of those close to me. The story that is nearest and dearest to my heart is the one I'll save for last.

The Cardinal

My grandfather, who I call Papa, passed away in January of 2016. Now, my grandfather was the best example of the highest expression of Libra I've ever come across. He was kind, caring, fair, incredibly charismatic and charming in a way that made you feel special. He was diplomatic, he knew how to navigate conversations well, he captivated the entire room when he spoke. He dressed, talked, and walked with grace and elegance, and he was infinitely curious about anyone and everyone he came across, it didn't matter whether they were rich or poor, black or white, gay or straight, a democrat or a republican, he thought everyone was equally fascinating. He would ask you questions about your life in a way that made you feel like you were the most important person in the world, and when he passed away, people from all over the country showed up, wrote, or called to express to my grandmother how much of an impact he had on their life.

Needless to say, we grieved his loss deeply, especially my mother. My mom had a very close relationship with her father. He was the one she went to for advice as she trusted in his integrity, wisdom, and kind nature. In the weeks and months after his passing, we noticed that my Papa tended to show up for us as a cardinal, letting us know he was still around.

Not long after Papa passed away, my mother suggested that my Nana move out of the house she shared with Papa to live closer to my parents so they could look after her. Nana would be leaving her friends behind to move three and a half hours away, but they both agreed it would be best. My mom was very conflicted, and worried whether she was making the right decision in moving her mother and disrupting her life. She prayed for guidance and a sign that this was the right move. 

On the day my Nana put her house up for sale, she and my mother went to her small backyard to bury a statue of St. Joseph in order to help sell the house. It was an emotional moment for both of them, leaving behind the home Nana and Papa had shared for years, and all the memories associated with it.

As they were burying the statue, all of a sudden my mom and Nana heard this loud, beautiful chirping. They looked up, and on the wall right in front of them was a bright red cardinal, demanding to be heard. My mom said she has never seen a cardinal make so much noise! They both immediately felt Papa's presence and reassurance that this was the right move for both of them, and he would go with them wherever they went. Needless to say, this brought them both peace of mind and lifted a heavy weight off their shoulders.

Papa continues to show up for us as a cardinal during times when we are moving through transitions, to reassure us that we are on the right path and not to worry.

The Big Cheese

Another thing about my Papa is that he loved his snacks, and he especially loved Cheez-Its, those were his favorite. This next story is my mother's, so I'll share it in her words as she shared with me:

"I'm not as clear on the details other than I recall I was having a tough time that day, and was thinking how much I missed my Dad. I was kind of wandering around the grocery store, one I didn't frequent, and [absent-mindedly] walked down the cracker aisle, only to be faced with a large display of Cheez-Its. It was a sale or something so there were more boxes and types than you would normally see, so it was immediate to me that it was a sign from my Dad. It made me smile and laugh---thinking about how he only liked one kind of Cheez-It (the original) and actually wrote a letter once to the manufacturer to complain about how the new, bigger ones always broke in the box." - Kristina Peters

I love this story, because it shows how powerful signs can be, simultaneously reassuring us of our loved ones' presence while also bringing to mind memories of joy and laughter.

Stay On Path

There have been many times in my life when I've struggled with self-doubt, especially when it comes to my profession as an astrologer and guide. I often wonder whether what I do has impact, and whether my work is meaningful or helpful to people. Is this what I should be doing, or should I be doing something else? Nevermind the fact that I enjoy what I'm doing and it's meaningful to me, that doesn't stop me from questioning my path at times.

On one particular day, the self-doubt monsters were really raging and I was debating whether I should let my astrology practice take a backseat so I could go out and get a better-paying full-time job in order to be a "responsible grown up". Sometimes when we can't see how our dreams are going to work, we start to believe that must mean that they won't work. 

Anyway, my boyfriend, Forest, and I decided to go on a date to Black Crow Coffee on Central Avenue in St. Pete. Afterwards, I wanted to go next door to explore Tombolo Books (one of my favorite things to do). Tombolo Books has a little free library in front of their store, so I approached it and lifted the glass lid to see what books were in there. There were two stacks of books side-by-side. I grabbed the top book on the left, and smiled as I noticed a white wolf on the cover. I put it back, then looked at the book on top of the second stack, and what do you know?? It was an astrology book. 

Signs don't get much more obvious than that. Spirit was telling me I am doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing, and things will unfold as they should in accordance with divine timing. All I have to do is get out of my own way and trust the process.

All Dogs Go To Heaven

Me and Brownies, aka Chugach Brown or Mr. Browns.

Back in September 2022, I started seeing 222 everywhere. I frequently looked at the clock at 2:22, or $2.22 would be the change from a grocery receipt, etc. I've learned not to read too much into signs, because if I try too hard to analyze them, I might project a meaning onto them that isn't the actual message Spirit is sending me, and we can sometimes block communication that way. So I've learned to relax, and trust that the meaning will reveal itself when I'm meant to know it. 

About a month later, Brownies, the 13-year old dog that I shared with Forest, really started to decline in health and was losing mobility. We decided it was time to let him go so that he wouldn't suffer anymore. It was a hard decision to make (putting your beloved pet to sleep is never an easy decision), and I was there with him, petting him as he crossed over, because I wanted him to leave this world surrounded by love.

The grief really hit me hard. I've said goodbye to pets over the years, but Brownies was the first pet I put to sleep and was present when it happened. I felt terribly conflicted and plagued with guilt, as the never-ending questions kept hitting me: Did we do the right thing? Could he have lived a little longer? Did we put him to sleep too soon? Did I kill our dog?

About a week later, I was on the couch, crying inconsolably. My phone was in my hand as I was using it do something, I don't remember what, when the app I was using crashed. I decided to restart my phone. 

Immediately after my phone restarted, an image popped up on my screen. It was a photo Forest had texted me months ago, a picture he had taken of Brownies through the window of his car. Due to the reflection on the glass, the photo gave Brownies an ethereal glow, and the appearance of a halo around his head. Furthermore, and here's the best part, he had sent me the photo at 2:22 pm. 

I was floored. I laughed and I cried, and thanked Brownies for the message that he was okay. It was if he was saying, "I'm still here, I'm just on the other side of the glass." I also thanked Spirit for sending all the 2's the month prior, so that I would recognize the meaning of the 2:22 timestamp when it showed up.

I will never forget this sign, and will be forever grateful to Brownies for how he brought me peace during a time of intense pain and guilt. What a weight he lifted off my shoulders that day.

This is the photo that popped up on my phone after it restarted. This image had been sent by my partner month's prior to Brownies's death.

Not only is this magical, the quality and image of the photo, the ethereal message behind it, but the synchronicity of it being taken in this way, and sent at 2:22 p.m., indicates that even back then, there were greater forces at work when my boyfriend thought to take this picture. It revealed a meaning that could only be understood months later.

We think we are making independent actions on a daily basis, but we never really know how those actions are forming an essential thread in a bigger picture that we just can't see or understand yet. This gives me hope :)

I hope these stories helped to uplift your soul a bit, and remind you that we are always being guided, even when we can’t always see the bigger picture.

During challenging times, we can share our stories of hope, signs from Heaven or from Spirit, and stories that highlight our divinity as well as the best of humanity.

Do you have any stories to share? Of times Spirit has sent you messages to reassure you that you're on the right path? Or signs from loved ones on the Other Side, letting you know they're still around? 

I'd love to receive your stories, and possibly even feature them in a future blog or newsletter. 

If you'd like to share a meaningful experience you had, email me at with the following:

  • A story of the experience

  • How it made you feel

  • What it meant to you

  • The message you interpreted from it

  • Then let me know if you'd like your story to be featured, and if so, whether you want to remain anonymous or not

I cannot guarantee every story will be featured, but I do promise to read them and hold them as sacred ❤️


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