Free Will or Destiny - Which Holds More Weight?

“Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”

— William Jennings Bryan

Free Will or Destiny - which holds more power? How much influence do we really have over our reality? Philosophers and theologians have contemplated this question for millenia. 

The good news is, I'm an astrologer and I know all the answers, I'm at peace with all my life's choices and never have to deal with doubt or uncertainty.... said no astrologer ever.

It's true, we astrologers are humans too, and we navigate the same doubt and uncertainty all humans grapple with. In fact, that's likely why we became astrologers in the first place---to seek meaningful answers to life's big questions. 

I have found that astrology is a powerful tool that can help create purpose and meaning in people's lives, and it regularly illuminates the interplay between fate and free will; I've read hundreds of charts, I see this cosmic game unfold everyday. And yet, even though I witness---up close and personal---the planets' magical waltz in my own life, there are still times when I'm unsure of what to do, how much action I should take, or whether I should just surrender and trust. Fortunately, I talk to my Higher Self and spirit guides often, and I asked them this very question. I will share with you their reply in case it might prove helpful for you as well. 

My question: "How do I know when to take action? And when to surrender and trust the natural unfolding of events?" 

My spirit guides reply: "Think of it like you are steering a sailboat on the open ocean. The stars that guide you, the wind in your sails, the currents beneath you---that's the Universe, carrying you along your destiny. However, you must grab hold of the helm. You still have free will and can influence outcomes. Learn to read the stars, the depth of the water, the changing tides or winds, or else the current might carry you onto a jetty and you will crash, or a coming storm may damage your boat if you aren't watchful and don't take precautions. Ultimately, your destiny is always guiding you, but you must be an active participant in your life. The choices you make in response to your destiny determine the quality of your life, and can even influence your destination."

To summarize it in two extremes: if you are too passive of a participant in life, if you are always surrendering and not taking action, you won't be properly prepared for storms, for change, or to reach your fullest potential; it is not beneficial to completely relinquish your agency over to the Universe. On the other extreme, if you are too active and always need to feel in control, if you don't read your surroundings, the weather, or the flow of energy, then you will become exhausted and burned out from always swimming against the current. This can be lonely and overwhelming, as you won't notice that there are loving influences around you, sending you signs and guiding you always.

We are here to co-create with the Universe---with Spirit, with God. To live in harmony with ultimate reality, you must find the middle path, one where you honor your free will, you make choices that align with your values, your character, your integrity, but you also recognize the invitations of the present moment, and trust that the Universe is carrying you forward. Guidance is available to you always; you are never alone.

Ready to explore this topic further in an astrology & coaching session? Book your appointment here.


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